Knipsel Reglementering

Pressure vessels can be manufactured according to particular codes. Deprest can make them in accordance with the following codes: 

  • ASME VIII : The US code that provides rules for the design, fabrication, inspection and testing for pressure vessels. The first versions of the ASME codes emerged at the beginning of last century in response to an increasing number of accidents involving steam pressure vessels. This code is highly respected and used worldwide.
  • AD 2000: This is the German counterpart of the US code and is also highly respected worldwide.
  • EN ISO 13445: This the European code launched in 2002. With a growing, more unified Europe, it is a replacement for all individual national standards.

So what are the differences? All codes are similar in themselves, they all describe how a pressure vessel should be made. The differences are in how they approach this.

Which code is the best or the one you should apply? Generally speaking, you could say that in Europe vessels should be made according to EN ISO 13445. However, ASME and AD are still widely used, often either for historical reasons because a certain code has always been used in the past or because a certain code is imposed by the parent company.

Deprest also holds the AD2000 HP0 certificate.

